2025 SLUDGE LIFE懶人包,推薦清單整理


SLUDGE LIFE by Devolver Digital, terriv

SLUDGE LIFE is a first-person / open-world / vandalism-centric stroll through a polluted island full of cranky idiots and a vibe so thick you can taste it.

Sludge Life

Sludge Life is an independent first-person adventure game oriented toward graffiti. The game was designed by musician Adam Doseone Drucker and artist ...


SLUDGE LIFE 2 is the grimiest first-person vandalism sim since the first SLUDGE LIFE—but, like, twice as dense. Explore a huger, weirder, gnarlier open ...

Steam 社群:

SLUDGE LIFE 是一款第一人稱的開放世界遊戲,以蓄意破壞為主題。遊戲中,你將漫步穿越一座充滿古怪的傻子、氛圍濃重詭異且遭受污染的島嶼。你將扮演新生代塗鴉畫家(tagger ...


Sludge Life 2. 大泥不見了!大家最喜歡的饒舌青蛙失蹤了,他最親密的死黨小鬼(就是你)正在執行尋找大泥的任務。《淤泥人生2》帶你前往煙煙市公寓,這是一家充滿秘密、小 ...


2020年5月28日 — 《SLUDGE LIFE》是一款第一人稱的開放世界遊戲,以蓄意破壞為主題。遊戲中,你將漫步穿越一座充滿古怪的傻子、氛圍濃重詭異且遭受污染的島嶼。

在Steam 購買SLUDGE LIFE 即可省下80%

2021年6月2日 — SLUDGE LIFE 是一款第一人稱的開放世界遊戲,以蓄意破壞為主題。遊戲中,你將漫步穿越一座充滿古怪的傻子、氛圍濃重詭異且遭受污染的島嶼。

Save 80% on SLUDGE LIFE on Steam

SLUDGE LIFE is a first-person / open-world / vandalism-centric stroll through a polluted island full of cranky idiots and a vibe so thick you can taste it.

Sludge Life for Nintendo Switch

Buy Sludge Life and shop other great Nintendo products online at the official My Nintendo Store.